Feast of Fun grants for church-led food activities Easter 2024

Churches are invited to apply for a Feast of Fun grant from Together Liverpool, to fund community-based food activities for families, children and young people over the Easter Holidays 2024.
This fund is open for Network of Kindness member churches of any denomination, to apply for grants of between £50 and £400, thanks to our our partnership with funders Meals and More.
Applications must be submitted via this form by midnight on Sunday March 10th. Activities must take place during the school Easter holidays, and the funds must be spent by 12th April 2024.
You can read some case studies from previous successful applicants in our Summer 2023 Feast of Fun Impact Report - download here. Read testimonials from churches that hosted activities in Easter 2023 here.
The Feast of Fun fund supports activities which are:
- Church-led - we encourage churches to involve other community partners, such as local schools, faith groups, voluntary organisations or other churches
- Enable your church to strengthen connections with families, children and/or young people in your community, beyond your usual church family
- Include healthy food and wellbeing as key elements of your activity
- All projects must include a fitness or educational activity, for example a craft, dodge ball game, or turning on music and dancing.
We will be looking to support as many activities as possible that fulfil the criteria above, although it may not be possible to support every application. All activities should be open and welcoming for people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and faiths in your community.
Applicants must be a Network of Kindness member - find out how to join here.
Churches will be notified by the 18th March on the outcome of their application. The decision of the Together Liverpool Feast of Fun Grants committee will be final.
Please direct any enquiries about the Feast of Fun Grants to our Executive Director James Green.