Feast of Fun grants for church-led community food activities
Together Liverpool is delighted to offer Feast of Fun grants to fund church-led community food activities for families, children and young people over the Easter Holidays.
The fund is open to all Network of Kindness members from across the Diocese of Liverpool area to apply for one of the grants, being offered in conjunction with foodservice business Meals & More.

Applicants can apply for a grant of up to £2.40 per participant for food and activities, to be spent by April 14th 2023.
It's free to join the Network of Kindness if you are not already a member. We will be looking to support as many activities as possible that fulfil these criteria:
- Church-led - we encourage churches to involve other community partners, such as local schools, faith groups, voluntary organisations or other churches
- Enable your church to strengthen connections with families, children and/or young people in your community, beyond your usual church family
- Include healthy food and wellbeing as key elements of your activity
- Include a fitness or educational activity, for example a craft, dodge ball game, or turning on music and dancing
In the event the number of applications exceeds our available funding pot, priority will be given to new activities, activities that reflect good value for money, and applications that work in partnership with others, including schools or community organisations - churches of any denomination operating within the Diocese of Liverpool area are very welcome to apply.
Feast of Fun activities should be open and welcoming for people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and faiths in your community.
All applications must be submitted using this form by 5pm Monday 13th February. All successful applicants will need to complete a risk assessment and submit a copy of their safeguarding policy prior to the event, and provide basic monitoring data after the event.
As part of our monitoring form we ask churches to also submit photos from activities, with consent from participants. Together Liverpool may write a short story about your Feast of Fun activity, which will be shared on-line as part of our Network of Kindness storytelling.
Churches will be notified by the 17th February on the outcome of their application. The decision of the Together Liverpool Feast of Fun Grants committee will be final.
Please direct any enquiries about the Feast of Fun Grants to Christi christi.cunningham@togetherliverpool.org.uk