Christmas message from our Executive Director: Mary's revolutionary song

Through advent, Christians remember that just as Jesus came over 2000 years ago, He will return again. We also remember the kind of world that He is calling us to build now and will come in full at the end of time.
Mary visits her sister Elizabeth when she’s pregnant with Jesus. When they meet Elizabeth cries out and declares that a blessing over Mary and her baby. Mary responds by singing a revolutionary song:

After years of being oppressed by the Roman Empire, Mary has had enough. She casts off our assumptions that she is quiet and placid and declares that there is a new world order coming, a new way for the world to be structured. It’s not built on those with power and privilege but on the most vulnerable and the kindness of God.
Over the last year we’ve seen arguably unprecedented instability with a new Head of State, multiple Prime Ministers and war returning to Europe. The impact of these changes have disproportionately impacted the most vulnerable in our communities.
The deep and lasting change that we want to see in our communities won’t primarily come from the halls of Westminster, but from the kind and generous actions of local residents. We’re seeing those actions take place across our region as groups gather together to open warm spaces, sow the seeds for community gardens and reclaim food destined for landfill by opening community pantry’s and markets.
For us to build the kind of world Mary sings about though will need us to do more than just kind acts. It will need us to come together to build relationships, share what we’re learning and make our collective voice heard. We’ve been working hard to do just that as we’ve gathered for our first Communities of Practices. If you want to deepen the impact of your social action work then you can find out more by heading here.
In the New Year we’re going to be building on our last Cost of Living Assembly as we gather again at the end of January. There’s more information here. We’re also launching Learning Communities which we’ll be running in targeted areas to support the launching of new social action projects.
Thank you for everything you’re doing for the people on your street and in your community. Together we can build a kind, generous and just society.
Join the Network of Kindness: Build Relationships, Share Learning and Campaign Together.
Happy Christmas,
James Green
Executive Director