William Bell lecture - Israelis and Palestinians: Hope Justice and Equality
William Bell, Christian Aid’s Head of Middle East Policy & Advocacy, will be speaking at a joint Liverpool Diocese and Christian Aid event, supported by Together Liverpool, to be held on Wednesday 30th November at 7pm on Zoom.
William will be discussing the charity’s new report ‘Where is Palestine? A story of loss, inequality and failure’, which looks at the reality for Palestinians across the Middle East and explores some of the things that could be done to address the situation.
The talk will be followed by a Question & Answer session with William Bell, and breakout facilitation groups to discuss in more detail (optional).
Participants from all dioceses are most welcome to join the event - book tickets here.

Maysaa Abu-Oof, 22 years old, from Gaza, speaking after the round of violence in June 2021, said: "I have lost my sisters, and this is a pain that I cannot describe in words, and I also do not know if my mother will survive or not. Her injury is very serious, and I may lose her at any moment.
"Thinking about this is very stressful, besides my sisters I may lose my mother. I would like to say that I never felt such psychological pressure before, as the house that contains all my childhood memories and my memories with my sisters has become rubble. I am currently living in my grandfather's house as a guest, and I can't feel settled because this is not my home."
‘Where is Palestine? A story of loss, inequality and failure’ provides a snapshot of the reality that many Palestinians face daily across the occupied Palestinian territory.
It illustrates how occupation undermines economic development and dehumanises those under its control. It highlights the violence that has claimed so many lives.
It paints a bleak picture of how one population suffers and the other thrives; a place where Palestinians often live in grinding poverty next to Israelis living in illegal settlements whom the state of Israel has generously supplied with the amenities for leading a comfortable modern life.
Both Palestinians and Israelis have rights that must be upheld and fulfilled, and for that to happen, both communities need a just and lasting peace. They are the ones who will make the ultimate decisions about the future.
However, as the report demonstrates, their relationship is strongly influenced by a significant imbalance of power and a culture of impunity. International governments have consistently failed to recognise the impact that this has had on any peace process, including Oslo, to deliver the self-determination and sovereignty that Palestinians were promised. Hence, we ask: where is Palestine?
Participation in the event is free, but those joining are asked if they would consider giving a donation towards Christian Aid's humanitarian work through the Christmas Appeal at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/christianaidliverpoolcathedral.