Together Liverpool - Vision Statement
"Together Liverpool's vision is for a just, equal, and generous society where people are empowered to live life to the full."
We invite you to download our Vision Statement, setting out Together Liverpool's values, mission, and purpose, as we continue to grow our National Lottery funded Network of Kindness.
We encourage churches, and everyone regardless of faith, to please pray for all the churches, community groups and charities in our network, as we continue to help grow social action across the Diocese of Liverpool.
The Statement sets out Together Liverpool's core values of kindness, generosity, and unconditional acts of love.

Our Vision Statement sets out Together Liverpool's core activities: Listening, Connecting, Equipping and Influencing, to achieve our Mission to build a Network of Kindness:
- We listen to and amplify the voices of others, particularly those with experience of the areas of social justice we are championing.
- We connect and network people, churches, and organisations to work together to achieve our vision. We live out our values, building partnerships and rooted the love of Jesus.
- We facilitate and equip the work of others providing practical support and promoting best practice models where invited to do so.
- We celebrate, inspire and encourage social action through storytelling, and share what we learn generously. We use what we have learned to influence public policy and culture change working together to transform the structures and mindsets that perpetuate injustice."
Please download and share the Vision Statement with your contacts, and get in touch with our Social Action Lead Officer Kate Eaglestone, if you would like to find out more.