Together Liverpool newsletter
"Together Liverpool's vision is for a just, equal, and generous society where people are empowered to live life to the full."
This newsletter we invite you to read, reflect on and share our Vision Statement, setting out Together Liverpool's values, mission, and purpose, as we grow our Network of Kindness. We encourage you to pray for the churches, community groups and charities in our network, as we support each other to grow social action and make a bigger difference to people's lives, across the Diocese of Liverpool area.
We also invite you to listen to two talks by our Food Insecurity Lead Executive Dr Naomi Maynard - the first, a radio interview in response to today's publication of the National Food Strategy, with ideas for how churches can help address food poverty, and the second her keynote address to the Life on the Breadline conference, about how Christians can respond to austerity and poverty.
You can also watch our video about the Winter Boost project to supplement 13,800 food parcels with vitamin and mineral rich fresh fruit, vegetables, eggs and tinned fish across Liverpool, illustrating the stark reality of food poverty in the UK.
We are also blessed to share with you news of a new partnership with fellow Christian networking charity Catalyst Liverpool, and news of how Christians can support local food projects by shopping through the Your Farmer app.
Thank you to all of you have been supporting the Reset the Debt campaign and wrote to your MPs asking them to attend a debate on household debt in Parliament on July 8 - read the latest updates from the campaign.
The Together Liverpool team