Refugee Week June 19th-25th: Resources, activities campaigns & prayers
Refugee Week is a UK-wide festival aiming to celebrate the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.
Running from June 19th and culminating with Sanctuary Sunday on June 25th, this year’s theme is “compassion”, and what does compassion look like in action.
Anyone can get involved by hosting your own event or taking part in campaigns, activities, and prayers – please keep reading for some resources below.
Among the events taking place all churches are invited to join our Welcoming Displaced People workshop, offered by the Network of Kindness in partnership with Welcome Churches, on Monday June 19th.
We will share resources to equip churches to welcome displaced people in our communities with compassion and kindness. We'll also think practically about how churches in the same area can work together to host projects. Book your place here.
Refugee Week resources, activities, campaigns & prayer:

Carry out a Simple Act - Simple Acts are everyday actions we can all do to stand with refugees and make new connections in our communities. Whether you build your own event or activity, or simply take part during the week itself, you’ll be part of a movement of people taking small steps to create a big change. You can print a Simple Acts pack here. Don’t forget to share what you do on social media using #SimpleActs #CompassionIntoAction #RefugeeWeek

Download the Refugee Sunday resource pack - Welcome Churches has provided resources for churches to help bring people together on July 24, to recognise the struggles faced by those seeking sanctuary and show support. Click to download a poster, Friendship Festival Guide, Lesson Plan and Ideas for 10 ways to celebrate Refugees in your church on Sanctuary Sunday - such as hosting a dedicated lunch, hosting prayers and worship in different languages.

Show Hospitality not Hostility to people seeking asylum by hosting a tea or meal during refugee week. Download the Join Public Issues Team (JPIT) toolkit.
Talk about the role of the church in supporting and safeguarding refugees - The Clewer Initiative reflects on how caring for and protecting refugees is a theme throughout the Bible, with a discussion about the long-term work supporting Ukranian refugees - click here, and safeguarding refugees - click here.

Donate or take up a collection - Churches are encouraged to take up a collection on June 25th to support the work of Welcome Churches, helping train and link up more churches with refugees, creating resources, and finding host homes. The charity says your giving will make sure more vulnerable people receive a warm welcome from a hospitable, compassionate church. "We know that love and friendship will start to change the story for them.”

Campaign to oppose the Illegal Migration Bill - Refugee Week provides an opportunity to raise the call again, opposing the Illegal Migration Bill, currently being debated in the House of Lords. More than 1,500 people signed a Joint Public Issues Team petition handed to Parliament in April which has now received a formal response. Now is a good time to write to your MP to ask them to support changes when the Bill returns to the Commons. Read more JPIT resources here including sample letters to MPs and an 'end hostility' Bible study: End Hostility ( Read more about opposing the bill from the Clewer Initiative here

Get educated about Modern Slavery - Last summer the British Red Cross and UNHCR published a joint report At risk: exploitation and the UK highlighting the many reasons why refugees and asylum seekers are particularly vulnerable to exploitation. They cited the lack of community support networks, the way refugees often end up socially and culturally isolated and a lack of basic resources and opportunities to work and support themselves and their families. These and other factors leave refugees and people seeking asylum at serious risk of being drawn into exploitation. Read more: The Clewer Initiative | The risk to refugees

Download the new Ukranian Refugee toolkit - This new resource has been produced by the Clewer Initiative to help Ukrainian refugees learn more about modern slavery and the risk of being drawn into exploitation by criminal gangs. The material in English and Ukrainian includes case studies and information on knowing your rights and staying safe.
Pray - Everyone is invited to pray for a more compassionate approach to people seeking sanctuary – Click here to download a joint prayer

Learn how climate justice is linked to migrant justice: The Climate Justice Coalition and War on Want have put together these resources linking climate justice and migrant justice, with suggestions for ways to get involved and support migrant groups both locally and online.
Members of The Climate Justice Coalition include CAFOD, Christian Aid, Eco-Congregation Scotland and Quakers in Britain.