Prayer and Worship resources during Covid-19
During this Covid-19 outbreak we have been challenged to become a ‘different sort of church’. For some this means worshipping at home, with family members, housemates or alone. For church leaders this may mean facilitating digital acts or worship or online gatherings. Please find below resources to support you during this time.
Church of England resources for Worship at Home
The Church of England has put together two worship services for those unable to leave their home.
100 ideas for ministers and ministry leaders
American minister Traci Smith has put together 100 ideas for those leading ministry during this time.
Prayer Booklet for those self-isolating
The clergy of Broadway and Wickhamford Parishes in the Diocese of Worcester have collated a beautiful prayer booklet for those who are self-isolating.
Examen for Life during Covid-19
The Examen is a traditional method of prayerful awareness central to Ignatian spirituality. It’s a short, easy way to reflect on your day and become more mindful about where you are experiencing grace and goodness and where there is room in your actions and life for growth.
The Ignatian Solidarity Network have put together a special version of the Examen to be used during this time.
Family-friendly worship resources
Mary Hawes the National Going for Growth (Children and Youth) Adviser has put together a set of family-friendly worship resources and ideas.
Susanna Wall, a teacher in the Diocese of Durham has written a series of prayers to be used with children throughout the day