Feast of Fun at Home Grants for churches this February

Together Liverpool is delighted to offer Feast of Fun at Home grants for churches across the Diocese of Liverpool this February.
We are looking to support churches with grants of up to £500 to host home-based food activities for children and young people in their communities this February.
The activities we are looking to support are:
- Church-led, but can involve other community partners, faith groups or schools
- Enable your church to strengthen connections with families, children and/or young people in your community
- Include healthy food as an element of your activity
Due to the current restrictions, we anticipate all Feast of Fun activities will need to take place at home this year, with churches either hosting activities online or providing pre-prepared activities for children and young people to do in their houses.
Activities can take place over one or multiple days, and may be focused around February half term, Pancake Day or any other day during the month of February.
Together Liverpool are intending to support a range of activities across the diocese, and are particularly interested in supporting new activities. We are looking forward to hearing your ideas of how these grants can best be used to serve your communities.
To apply, all you need to do is complete this short form and return it naomi.maynard@togetherliverpool.org.uk by Wednesday 27th January.
Churches will be notified the week beginning Monday 1st February on the outcome of their application.
All churches that are successful will need to submit a completed risk assessment for the proposed activity, a copy of their safeguarding policy, and provide basic monitoring data after the event.
Together Liverpool will write a short story about your Feast of Fun at Home activity, which will be shared as part of our Network of Kindness storytelling project on our website, and with our funders.
Need a few ideas for your Feast of Fun at Home activity? :
- How about putting together food and activities hampers to bless families who may struggle during the half term?
- Running an online pancake party for families in your area, delivering ingredients beforehand?
- Hosting a movie-night or online-games evening with pre-delivered food for local teenagers?
- Running an online baking session, with ingredients and basic equipment delivered to the doorsteps of the families in your community?
- Arranging a ‘family-meal in’ boxes for families with ingredients and recipe cards to cook a simple, healthy meal together this half term?
- Organising an online holiday club, with lunches provided with each session?
- Hosting a virtual toddler morning, with fruit snacks dropped off beforehand?

Pass it on!
Please share this information about our Feast of Fun at Home grants with church leaders across the Diocese of Liverpool