COVID Cash Recovery - free on-line course

Together Liverpool are running free online COVID Cash Recovery courses to support those experiencing financial difficulties during the pandemic.
Our next course will run on-line from 11am -1pm on Thursday March 25. This session is aimed at community and church leaders supporting anyone who is unsure of:
- What they’re entitled to
- Where and how to access support
- How to plan and cope financially during this period of uncertainty
- Changes in government policy because of Covid
If this is you or one of the people you support please sign up for the free course.
You will be able get up-to-date information on:
- Surviving Financial Shock
- Statutory Sick Pay
- Universal Credit
- Housing Benefits
- Furlough - the COVID Job Retention Scheme
- Working Tax Credits
- Difficulties with Mortgages, Rent and Loans
- Budgeting
- Debt Management Options
We will be using course materials developed by the Just Finance Foundation and technical expertise from St Andrews Community Network.
The course takes about 1 ½ hours and provides up-to-date information to help people financially navigate their way out of the lockdown.
Further Information
It is completely FREE to join the course, however to access it you will need the following:
A PC (with webcam)/Laptop or Tablet*
A Stable Internet Connection
A Zoom account (the free account is fine)
*It is possible to use a mobile phone & phone data, however seeing the on-screen information will be easier on a larger device
Want to know more? See the COVID Cash Course website for more details or email with any queries
Upcoming courses:
11am -1pm Thursday March 25 - Register for your place