COVID cash course - for faith leaders Thursday 16th July
Do you know anyone who has been adversely impacted by the coronavirus lockdown? Would you like to be able to confidently and accurately direct people to a range of relevant resources and support structures to help them at this time?

From doorstep conversations, pastoral telephone calls, to support at faith-led food and community Initiatives , faith leaders – including clergy, community and outreach workers and staff and volunteers at faith-led initiatives - frequently pay a pivotal role in supporting others at a time of financial crisis.
Originally developed by the Just Finance Foundation, Together Liverpool in partnership with St Andrew’s Community Network are offering the COVID cash course to provide faith leaders with relevant and up-to-date information, as well as ongoing support as part of Together Liverpool’s Network Of Kindness. This course forms part of the wider Diocesan social justice response to the pandemic.
The COVID Cash Course is particularly relevant for faith leaders who would like to gain more confidence around financial signposting, and to help people financially navigate their way through this most difficult and unprecedented time.
This interactive online course is on Thursday 16th July 11am – 1pm
Please register your place via Eventbrite:
Unfortunately, the global recession caused by COVID 19 is likely to impact more people and communities for the foreseeable future. Therefore, we would also be happy to deliver a tailored course for you, your team and/or members of your community. To discuss this please get in touch with Adeyinka Olushonde at: