Network of Kindness Cost of Living Assembly report, actions, and prayers

With the Cost of Living Crisis pushing people deeper into poverty, Together Liverpool's National Lottery funded Network of Kindness project is gaining insight into the issues local communities face.
Churches and community groups are invited to pray, read and share this new report, produced following a Cost of Living Assembly we hosted on 13th September.
This was an opportunity for faith, community and charity participants to discuss four key questions, and help understand how we can support those in our area to listen, connect, equip and campaign for more justice and social action.
This generated three clear areas for action, which you are welcome to join:
1. A desire for more assemblies to continue to build a clear picture of the impact the Cost of Living Crisis is having in our communities and share the groups' learning. We are responding by hosting another Network of Kindness Cost of Living Crisis Assembly in November.
2. To develop partnerships with other organisations and social activists to learn from the work others are involved in. We are responding by inviting all attendees to join our Community of Practice in October so they can be better networked with those working in similar contexts.
3. An interest in gathering together to pray on a regular basis. We are responding by meeting on-line on the fourth Thursday of every month at midday to pray together for half an hour.
You can join the Zoom prayer meetings, by logging on at midday on Oct 27, Nov 24, and Dec 22. (Meeting ID 860 9517 6939 / Passcode: 873622)
We have also gathered some key reports, campaigns and resources:
Five key reports:
Joseph Rowntree Foundation / @jrf_uk
- Going without: deepening poverty in the UK | JRF (July 2022)
- Not heating, eating or meeting bills: managing a cost of living crisis on a low income | JRF (June 2022)
Joint Public Issues Team/ Christians Against Poverty
Child Poverty Action Group / @CPAGUK
Three campaigns to follow, share, get involved with:
- Enough to Live – Joint Public Issues Team/ Christians Against Poverty: Is Cost of Living Support Enough? (
- Christians Against Poverty: CAP UK | Write to your MP
- Age UK: Cost of living charity campaigning | Age UK
Three key requests to government:
- Ensure low income families receive sufficient support /An emergency budget which directly addresses support for those most in need
- Work on the frontlines to offer urgent support
- Make debt deduction rates from Universal Credit more affordable