Celebrating the power of communities across the UK with The Great Get Together
In her first speech in parliament Jo Cox MP said: “We have more in common than that which divides us.” The Great Get Together was formed in Jo Cox’s memory after she was killed in June 2016.

Inspired by her commitment to celebrating diversity and her belief in the power of more cohesive neighbourhoods and building stronger communities, The Jo Cox Foundation have organised The Great Get Together events in June and December each year since 2017.
Communities have gathered together throughout the country to connect with others and to tackle local issues from knife-crime, to loneliness, to developing interfaith projects.
Faced with the recent challenging times during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was uncertain that The Great Get Together events would be able to go ahead this year.
However, as Jo Cox used to say: “we must focus on the things we can do, not what we can’t!” Despite not being able to take place in the way it would have traditionally, “there are still many things we can do to connect with each other in today’s reality when we need social connection more than ever.”
The Great Get Together will celebrate the amazing response of local communities in the Covid-19 crisis by asking everyone to join in organising safe, socially-distanced ways to build connections with their local community. This could be through organising a socially-distanced event in your street or local area, or through connecting virtually online or on the telephone.
There are plenty of ideas for events on the website to help you and your community to find out how you could get involved: www.greatgettogether.org
There is also plenty of support available via the website and a Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/greatgettogether/) which you can join and find support from others organising Great Get Together events and share your ideas.
Share photographs of your community events online with the hashtags #GreatGetTogether and #moreincommon on social media.